Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sonic Z

                                                             My Main Characters
                                           Dark the Hedgehog, Kai the Hedgehog, Kore the                                              Fox, Light the hedgehog, Nikki the Fox
(The characters are all human and I don't own any thing but the story line, Dark, Kai, and Light but not the pics)
(Dark's P.O.V.)
    Dark is Shadow's and Light's younger sister. They were super close until one day, Light got sucked into a portal and Shadow got kidnapped that night. So, Dark left their house and traveled around the world searching for the two hedgehogs picking up three friends along the way. Her friends are Kai, Silver, Kore, Nikki and Chestnut. One day, Dark and her friends stumbled upon Mobius and decided to visit their other friend, Sonic. They walked to their secret hideout. "Hey Sonic!" Kai called. Sonic is Kai's younger brother they went their own ways years ago. We heard Sonic arguing with someone. "I have to find her, Sonic! I promised myself that I would." the two familiar voices said. "Calm down, we'll find her." Sonic told the voices. We walked toward the voices.  "Sonic?" Kai called. "Kai is Dark with you?" Sonic asked. "Yes, Why?" Kai asked. "We found her brothers." Sonic said. I ran into the room and saw a boy with black and red hair and a boy with white hair like Silver's. "S-shadow? L-light?" I stuttered. The two in question turned to me and ran at me "DARK!" they yelled. I cried as I hugged them "I t-thought I w-would never s-see you a-again!" I cried. They smiled softly at me while hugging me."We thought so too." they replied.

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