Saturday, February 27, 2016

Shadow Country

Shadow Country
by the ShadowChaosGroup
Disclaimer: The SCG doesn't own some of the pictures (We'll let you know which), We do own the names of the members of the Shadow Country (except for maybe Ino and Gaara), yes this is a Naruto fan fiction, we don't own the characters of Naruto but we own some of our characters powers, thank you!
(3rd P.O.V)
 "Hello, visitors welcome to the Shadow Country (Kage no Kuni)." a young man said (picture). " Um, hello, do you know where we are sir?" a pink haired girl asked. "You are in Shimin Village, everyone here are civilians." the man said. "We would like to speak to the leader of your country." the female ravenette said. "Of course you do, Cason!(1)" the man yelled out as a boy ran towards them. "Yes, Akahiro?" Cason asked. "I need you to take these people to Music Village (No, this is nothing like the hidden village in the music. This one is a bit smaller and have one whole clan and a few others,)." Akahiro said. Cason nodded and told the group of fourteen to follow him. When they left the village Cason spoke. "We have just left Shimin, if you turn around you'll see what it looks like." he said as the group turned around and saw Shimin(2). "Wow!!!" the blonde one shouted. "Shimin is truly called Time City." Cason said. As the group walked on they saw a very traditional village(3). "What village is that?" the male brunette with red marks asked. "That's Gaiden Village, everyone there are ninjas" Cason said waving to another child. "Cason!" the girl yelled. "Hello, Leafae(4)." Cason replied. "Where you going? Who are the people with you?" She asked. "I'm taking these visitors to the Music Village! I don't know any of there names." Cason smiled. Leafae nodded in understanding and then she turned to the visitors. "What are your names?" Leafae asked. After they introduced themselves and said goodbye to Leafae. Soon the group walked past a warehouse and always the curious one Naruto asked about it. "Hey, what's that?" he asked. "That's the warehouse it's were our engineers and weapons are, they are their own protection as they can hold their own. Soon we'll past Rage City also known as Kahaji Village(5)
Kahaji Village (Rage City)
were the Kamikaze Clan stay." Cason explained as the past another city.
Leafae Hayabusa
Gaiden Village (3)
Time City (Shimin)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Welcome to the Anime club!

Welcome to the Anime club!
by the ShadowChaosGroup
Disclaimer: The SCG does not own any Pictures, Songs, Naruto, Bleach or other anime elements they might use. They own the storyline, Sukoshi, the school, Kai,Kore,Darkness,Ako, Kyo (not from fruit basket), Kairo, Angel, some others, and some of their powers. (pairings: Kai x Ino, Kore x Darkness, Sukoshi x Gaara, Menma x Hinata, Kairo x fem!Kurama, Ako x fem!Shukaku, Angel x Kyo)
(3rd POV)
  "Hey Sukoshi!" a black haired girl yelled in the other girl's ear. "What is it?" Sukoshi asked. "We're getting new students." a white haired boy said. "Oh really? Maybe we will get some new members, yeah?"  another black haired girl said. "That's true." another white haired boy said as a black haired boy nodded. "All right class settle down. We have new students!" the teacher said. Soon after a boy with blonde hair, a boy with sliver hair, and some others (the Konoha 12 and the Suna team and the two demons) came in. "Why don't you sit down in a free seat and we'll have a free period to get to know you." the teacher said as she left. For some reason everyone wanted the black haired one and the blonde one (Naruto) to sit next to them. "Hey! Sliver, Blonde, Brunette, and the red heads over here!" Angel shouted, "And the Platinum blonde one and Lavender haired one and the other ravenette!" "So, what are your names?" Darkness asked. "I'm Kairo (Silver), that's Ako (blonde), Kurama (fem!human), Gaara, Shukaku (fem!human),  Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga, and Menma Uzumaki." Kairo said. "Cool." Kore said. "Are you going to join any club?" Sukoshi asked. The group of eight shrugged. "What club are you in?" Ino asked. "We are in the Anime Club." Angel said. "Sounds fun." Kurama said. The club members shrugged. "We are the only six members but yeah it's super fun." Kore said. "I'm game!" Menma said with the others nodding in agreement. "You guys are joining the Anime Club?" Darkness asked. They nodded. Then another blonde came over. "Hey Menma!" he said. "What is it Naruto?" Menma asked. "You should join the sports club!" Naruto said. "No thanks, my friends and I are joining the Anime Club." Menma said. Naruto then left. "To the club room where we will asked for you to be blessed by the Anime God." Angel said as they rushed the group of eight to a room on stretchers. "Stand on the circle and don't move." Darkness said. They nodded. "Blessed by those who came before let thy here my call." Angel started. "Straight from those above we ask for you to blessed those who have come to us." Kai said. A glow came from the magic circle as Kore, Darkness, and Sukoshi poured some weird energy into the circle. When it died down, the group looked around only to see this. "What the-" Gaara said. "Welcome to the Anime Club President Office." Sukoshi said. "Sukoshi?" Shukaku asked. "I'm known as the Music Goddess, so during club activities call me Music, okay." Sukoshi said getting a nod in agreement. "Alrighty then now all we need to do is establish you god/goddess stature and wardrobe!" Angel said. "First Kairo." Sukoshi said as Kairo walked up to the throne. Sukoshi's eyes glowed white and said "You are the Wolf God, bathe in the sent of you kin and the smell of the hunt." Kairo glowed a bit before it died out and he looked different. "Woah!" they group gasped they realized that the others (original members) look different as well.(Sukoshi, Angel, Kyo, Kore, Kai, Darkness) "Next is Ako." Sukoshi said as Ako walked forward and Kairo walked back. "You are the Hunter God master of the bow and arrow and never to shoot something that meant no harm to you or other, never miss as well." Sukoshi said.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Me? I think so. ShadowChaosGoddess

I never liked living in the past, not saying that I rather live in the future either; I like my life as it is. Like everyone I wish my life were perfect when I was 12, but now I like this adventure. Sometimes, I wish that my life were so much simpler. I would wish that I were average. I wished that I wasn’t ‘gifted’. Everyone tells me it’s an honor, to be in gifted, but I never felt any honor at all. Everyone in my class is defiant, loud, and annoying, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like them. They’re just regular kids, but we’re suppose to be special somehow. I would ask myself. What’s so special about being gifted? Why are we different? How are we different? I knew I was different. Somehow. I don’t know how just yet. I like many things like music, art, and things similar. Once some one told me that crying heals the soul. I have felt sad but never cried unless something really gets me. I’m a sensitive person. I’m not afraid to admit my faults, but I barely know my strengths. Anybody can smile but a strong person can cry. I like crying to be honest. I know this because I often laugh when I cry. There’s something so funny about a situation when I’m crying that I laugh. There is a saying some one told me before in a dream at sometime. The problem with being strong is that no one asks if you’re ok. I can’t say that I’m strong but I’m pretty sure I’m not weak either. I dream that I am missing something in my life, but I don’t know what. I’m going crazy. I already took a test. It said that I am currently 56.7% insane but I don’t think that’s true. I mean there is no reason for me to be insane. If you knew me you would say ‘but you’ve always claimed to be’. Guess what? I claim many things. I can’t really tolerate people. I HATE when people act like they know me. Like they understand what’s going on. Why can’t people just leave me be. It’s like it’s one of those situations where you observe someone getting along with their enemy and acting like nothing had happened. No matter what, you do not forget your past, or those who you have had bad impressions with. You can’t comprehend why someone would even consider being so forgiving towards his or her foe or traitor. At times, experiencing this kind of thing will make you annoyed to an extent. I just want to be noticed, I just want to be myself. Sometimes it’s hard to trust others. Even though they are really close to you. It’s hard to try when people are ONLY telling you that you’re not trying. HOW CAN YOU TELL ME IF I AM TRYING!!!!! You don’t go to my school. You’re not me. You say that I don’t want to socialize but do you ever think of why? I don’t want to be alone but it’s hard to be social when no one else is putting effort into becoming your friend. It hurts me. It hurts. It hurts that when I try to tell you what going on in my life you don’t understand. I don’t really know what’s this going to do but…it will help her I mean me. I drop hints. So many hints like being tired, my pictures, my songs, and my isolation. Nothing ever works. I guess you could call this desperation. I bet you won’t read this any ways, you will just move past it like it’s just nonsense. I mean why waste your time? I just saw my chance and took it I guess. I could use real friends even though those you create never leave I feel like I only have a few ties to this world. I can feel my head hurt for no reason. I’m tired even when I get sleep. What is wrong with me? Everything I guess. I can’t be the ‘smart’ Anaya you always hoped. I can’t be the ‘insane’ Anaya that I pretended to be. I can only be Anaya and even I don’t know who that is and neither do you. Everyone always sat only you know yourself, but I don’t know who I am! I don’t know Anaya! I’m just an empty shell of her trying to find my purpose. I bet most of you are like but how are you and empty shell? I don’t know. It’s like starting over. You don’t know anything about yourself. Most people would say you learn about yourself while growing up, but I’m 13 and all I know is that I love Music, Anime, Pictures, and my favorite colors, season, and clothing choices. I can change my personality. I could be happy go lucky one day and be loner the next! I don't know what I'm going to do with my life! I want to try so many things but...I can't. It's not that I have low self-esteem it's more like I need and outlet like this. A place that I can express my self like I do in my drawings. It's not drawings of a 'like for others suffrage' it's a drawing of my own inner turmoil but no one questions it. I showed a picture of my two sides after fighting to my teacher and asked 'which one do you like?'. Most teachers would probably question me about my pictures or asked why I drawn it but my teacher, after looking at it, said 'It depends on my mood'. WHY? This is a picture of an internal battle that little to no people tries to help me with! My class would say but your always smiling and having fun. I know that. I know I'm smiling but inside...I'm slowly dying. If my family read this they would probably say 'why didn't you say something'. It's hard to explain something like this when no one notice it. If you saw me slowly dying mentally in front of you would you help? Yes you would because you would know because you were looking. You're not looking are you? You don't see it. You probably left before you got here didn't you? Who would want to read about a 13 year old when there are older people going through the same thing? Well, which is more important the past or the future? I could go on about things like this but I'll jus put up a song that explains it all. (I don't own this video or song)

ShadowChaosGoddess of the ShadowChaosGroup; Kyoki no ko

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dragon Ball Z: Another son

Dragon Ball Z
Characters:Vex, Kai, Kore, Lea, Aisu, Ashley
by the Shadow Chaos Group!
Disclaimer: We don't own Dragon Ball Z, only our characters, some of there powers, and the story.  (the picture are teen size but please picture them as kids)
(Vegeta's P.O.V)
      I was watching my son play with his friends when I noticed Kakarott walking over. "Hey Vegeta!" he said. I nodded to him in response. "Ahh~ I remember when I was an innocent kid." he said.
(3rd P.O.V)
      While the adults talked the kids were planning their own things. "Then, we could launch a brutal assault on their base in the forest and capture their forces." a boy with white hair said (that's also what he looks like and what he's wearing). "Good idea Vex, I'll have those men squealing just like before!" a girl with purple hair said (same with this one). "Calm down Lea." a blue haired boy said calmly (the pictures is what they look like and waring). "Yeah Kore is right, we have until the red moon to attack." another white haired boy said. "Plus we have to find Ashley first!" a red haired girl shouted. The 5 kids glared at the sky in a silent promise to their friend that brought them together only to be taken away from them. "Vex, it's time to go home! Kami knows what your mother would do to me." Vegeta said. Vex got up silently and nodded to his friends "Vex." the white haired unknown said. "Yes, Kai?" Vex asked. "Like Aisu said, We'll find her, I promise." Kai said with a knowing tone of voice. Vex gave a rare small smile and walked away. "Poor Vex, he was the closest to Ashley wasn't he?" Lea asked. The others nodded.
(with Vex, Vex's P.O.V)
          'Ashley...' She was all I could think about. She was my first friend. Then she introduce me to her friends. When we got home I walked straight to my room ignoring my brother's rather annoying whining and my sister's annoying ranting. "Arrg!" I felt a pain in my stomach. "ASHLEY!!!!" I screamed. I ran out the house my family following. "VEX!" Kai shouted. I dashed towards him and the others. "What's up with you?" Kore asked. I grabbed the nearest tree, picked up and threw it at a bush. "I can feel her! She's in pain, lets go!!!" I shouted running past them as they followed. In the middle of the forest there was a base. "She's in there." I said in a monotone voice. "alright." Lea said as the other nodded.
(3rd POV)
              The kids ran into the base not knowing that the Z warriors followed them. They (the Z warriors) watched in amazement at how the kids took out the forces. As they ran to the main part they saw a cute girl with red hair and eyes. "Ashely!" the kids shouted. 'Ashely' ran towards them in tears "Y-you found me! W-we have to get out of here!" 'Ashely said. Everyone except for Vex nodded while Vex narrowed his eyes. 'Ashely is in pain, but she looks healthy and fine, Ashely!' Vex thought in realization. "Who are you?" Vex asked. Everyone looked shocked. "It's me, Ashely." 'Ashely' said. "No, Ashely's in pain, you're fine, Ashely doesn't run from a fight, you are, who the hell are you!!" Vex shouted. Then the REAL Ashely came limping in creating a bloody trail. "She's the one who kept me here." Ashely said. "Ashely!" Lea said as she ran over to her friend and started to heal her and giving her a potion (don't ask). Vex then muttered a few words "Come to my aid, Chaos Sword!" A sword came out of Vex's shadow. Vex grabbed the sword with no problem and cut the fake down.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Daibolik Lovers: Youtuber bride

Diabolik Lovers: Youtuber Bride?
Disclaimer-chan: The ShadowChaosGroup doesn't own anything but the plot and Shi-chan and her 'sisters'
Warning:Randomness, Insanity, singing, cursing, Yui bashing, ooc everybody, and talking toys
(3rd P.O.V)
"YOLO my minions, I'm THE DeathAngel the Guardian of the INSANITY holder! And we are playing Yandere Sim- What the FUCK, did you see that? *laughs* This is going to be interesting!" a girl (she is a bit smaller than Kanato) shouted. Her name was Shi Sekai which meant Death World. She was a famous Youtuber called DeathAngel and today her life will change. "Thanks for watching! I'll see ya next time Guardian out!" Shi said as she finished her video. "Shi!" Yui shouted. "What?" Shi answered. "Our ride is here!" Yui replied. Shi quickly packed up everything in her portable dimension. "Coming!" Shi shouted running down stairs and putting on her sketchers. The two girls got inside the taxi and was driven to the Sakamaki's mansion. When the two arrived, Yui went straight in while Shi stayed outside. When the door opened she saw an adorable boy with purple hair and eyes. "Why are you standing out here?" he asked. "I didn't w-want to i-intrude." Shi replied stuttering slightly because of her true shyness and the rain making her cold. "Come inside." he demanded. Shi followed the boy slightly hiding behind him. "Kanato who is this?" a boy with purplish black hair asked. "I don't know her name but she reminds me of that youtuber DeathAngel." Kanato said. "You watch my channel?" Shi asked. "You're DeathAngel!" Kanato said. "Yeah, but my real name is Shi Sekai." Shi said. "Shi!" Yui shouted. "Yui that was rude of you to barge into someone else's home!" Shi told her. "Shi they're vampires!" Yui shouted. "Cool." Shi said as she started to hide more behind Kanato when more people came in. "There's another?" a boy with red hair asked. "That man said that he made a deal with a youtuber to come as well and to not kill or hurt her." a blonde male said. "M-m-may I a-a-ask f-for y-your names?" Shi said her shyness coming back full force as she ducked behind Kanato. "Oh yes I forgot, in order that's Shuu, I'm Reiji, that's Laito, Kanato, Ayato, and Subaru." Reiji said pointing to each brother. "Okay, well can I still do my videos here?" Shi asked. Reiji nodded. "Thank you Reiji-san." Shi smiled. Kanato showed Shi her room. She quickly asked them if she could change it. They agreed only if the can see what it look like. *Poof* When the door was reopened they brother was amazed. The room was amazing! "Wow this looks amazing!" Ayato said. "Th-thanks!" Shi blushed no one really said that what she did was amazing except her friends (subscribers) on youtube. "Here this your uniform, we're going to school." Reiji said. "What's your school called? I go to night school too maybe we go to the same school?" Shi asked surprising the brothers. "We go to the Royal Mystical Night School." Laito said. "Really? I go to the Nightfall High School just across from there. I got such a big influence there I can get anyone in or out." Shi replied. The boys were shocked, this girl in front of them basically rule the school they wanted to go to. "Can you get us in that school?" Kanato asked. "Sure if you want me to?" Shi said. The boys nodded. "Do you have a phone I could borrow?" Shi asked. Kanato pulled out his purple flip phone. Shi took the phone and dialed the number. "Kanato-kun after this I'm getting you a new phone." Shi said. "Hey Principal Saiko (supreme), I have some new students for the school. Of course I'll be responsible for them. 6 vampires and a human. Okay thanks." Shi hung up. "He said as long as you follow what I say, not the rules, he will agree." Shi told them. They group agreed. "Well let's go to school!" Shi said. "what's the uniform like?" Reiji asked. "All you have to do is wear this emblem." Shi said giving them the emblem. "As long as can be seen it doesn't matter wear you put it." Shi explained. When the group made it to the school the boys and Yui was in awe. The school was even cooler than they thought."Shuu your class is S-18, Reiji is in S-17, the triplets will be with me in class S-16, Subaru and Yui will be in class S-15." Shi said. When they saw the classes the saw they were eager to learn even Shuu! "I'll see you at lunch." Shi said taking the triplets to class. "Kanato you can sit with me and I'll show you how to use the Table." Shi said. "The table?" Kanato asked sitting next to the girl. "No the Table." Shi said pointing at the Table in front of them. ~Le Time Skip~ "So, how was your first day?" Shi asked the brothers and Yui.
"Good." They all replied. "Let's go home then!" Shi suggested. Yui thought that the brothers would say that Shi couldn't tell them what to do, but to her surprise and jealousy they agreed with her and they went home. "Shi-chan?" Kanato asked. "Yes Kanato-kun?" Shi replied. "I can't sleep." he said. "Want me to sing you something?" Shi asked. Kanato nodded and crawled into the girl's bed. Shi wrapped her arms around him and started to sing. When Shi finished singing she looked at Kanato and saw that he was asleep. She smiled and fell asleep with Kanato in her arms. The next night was a Saturday and when the others went to Shi's room they saw that she was asleep with Kanato in her arms, he was asleep as well they noticed. "Shi-chan, wake up." Laito said. Shi slowly awoken and Kanato awoken as well. "Good morning Laito-kun, Shuu-kun, Reiji-kun, Subaru-kun, Ayato-kun, and you as well Kanato-kun, Yui." Shi said then her eyes widened. "Oh my sweet Candy! Did you guys eat?" Shi asked. The vampires shooked their head no while Yui said yes. "That won't do, I'll have to cook you poor boys something and you will eat everything on your plate right?" Shi said in sickly sweet tone which made the boys shiver and nod. "Good! Now off to the dining room with you six and Shuu if you are not there when I finish cooking, so help me Candy, you don't want to know what going to happen." Shi said in a motherly threatening voice making Shuu nod franticly. Shi soon went into the kitchen and the boys went to the dining room and sat down afraid of what such a motherly person could do to them. "Okay time to eat!" Shi said placing a rather big breakfast on the table. "Don't get anything you won't eat and Kanato you can have your sweets after breakfast." Shi said. After breakfast Shi had them do chores it was rather funny watching Shi go crazy over them if they get a wound. "Hey boys, you want to go to an amusement park?" Shi asked. After a day of doing chores an amusement park seemed amazing. "Sure, but what about Yui?" they asked. "She can come with if she wants. Now go get dress ok?" Shi said. The boys went to go get dress and then Yui came in with a furious look on her face. "Why do they like some one like you? Your stupid, ugly, and have that stupid stutter." Yui said. Kanato overheard the conversation and was quick to appear with his brothers in front of Shi. "Don't talk about my mother like that!" They shouted. Kanato wrapped his arms around the crying girl. "Shi-oka-chan?" Kanato said. Shi smiled and wrapped her arms around the boy. "Well my mood is ruined. Why don't you sit around me and I'll sing you a lullaby?" Shi asked gaining a nod from the six vampires. Shi sat down on the floor with Kanato on her lap as the boys sat around her and Yui left. Shi started to sing the same lullaby as before (lullaby). When she looked up she saw that the boys were cuddled up to her and asleep. Then a storm happened awakening both Ayato and Laito and they both had tears streaming down their faces. Shi put Kanato on the couch and walked over to them gently pulling the two towards her in an embrace. She then sang another song. She saw the boys fell asleep once again and they weren't disturb by the storm. ~Time Skip~ "It's time to wake up boys~" Shi sang. "No~ Okaa-chan~" the boys groaned. "Oh I guess you don't want to eat then." Shi said walking away. The boys quickly ran to the table and sat done for lunch making Shi smile. "*ring* *ring*" the phone rang. Shi picked it up. "Hello?" Shi asked. "Hello may I asked who this is?" a male voice said on the other side. "This is Shi Sekai, may I ask who this is?" Shi asked. "I'm Tougo Sakamaki. The father of the six your are living with." Tougo said. Shi's facial expression didn't change from her smile. The boys noticed and saw that she was talking to their 'father' and she had that dangerous smile on her face. "Ah, why don't you come over? We are about to have lunch." Shi said giving the boys a look that said 'and that's final'. ~Time Skip~ "*knock* *knock*" there was a knock on the door. "Reiji-kun, can you go get that it's probably your father." Shi said putting food on the table. Reiji left to answer the door as Shi sat the boys at the table and had Yui sit down as well. When Reiji and his father came in, Reiji sat down immediately when Shi had her dangerous mother smile on. Karlheinz (Tougo Sakamaki) saw the smile and shivered. Shi walked over to Karlheinz and said "Hello Mr.Sakamaki, hope you enjoy the food, you will be sure to eat everything you put on your plate correct?" Karlheinz looked at his sons and saw that they seemed afraid of the young woman in front of him. Karlheinz saw the increasing dangerous aura and quickly nodded. Shi sat him at the chair and sat down herself next to Kanato and Shuu. "Kanato you can have your candy for dessert, don't make me spank you." Shi threatened. To Karlheinz's surprise Kanato shut up and ate what Shi put on his plate. "Laito, you asked me to play the piano for you right? How about after lunch?" Shi suggested. Laito gave an excited nod and continued to eat. After lunch something shocking happened to Karlheinz, his sons did chores, chores! "Good Job, Shuu!" Shi said to the taller boy. Shuu leaned down and gave his 'mother' a peck on the cheek. "Ouch!" Subaru muttered quietly when he cut his finger. Shi appeared in front him looking at the cut. Subaru looked behind her and saw that Shi had trampled Yui in the process of getting to him. Shi cleaned the wound and placed a band-aid on it, putting kiss there afterwards. "Poor thing!" Shi cooed hugging Subaru to her breast. "Mother!" Subaru shouted. "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Tell me where, baby!" Shi said/asked. "Umm, Shi-sama?" Karlheinz asked. "What?" Shi asked. "You're suffocating him." he said. "Oh? OH! I'm sorry!" Shi said after releasing Subaru. "Mama you said you would play the piano!" Laito said. "Right, I'm coming no need to pull me, come on Tougo!" Shi said. When they got to the piano Shi sat down and started to play. "How did you do that!" Laito shouted. "I've done dubstep on a lot of instruments." Shi replied. "Like Guitar?"Ayato asked. "Violin?" Shuu asked. "Drums?" Reiji asked. "Cello?" Subaru asked. "Sing?" Kanato asked. "Yep, let's start with guitar." Shi said as she started to play. "Now violin." Shi muttered as she played. "Then drums." Shi muttered as she played. "Cello." Shi muttered again she started to play. "Now singing this is going to be hard." She muttered as she sang. "That was amazing!" the boys shouted. "Really thanks!" Shi said.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Village Hidden in the Music

Village Hidden in the Music
Disclaimer: We don't own anything that is not Kai, Kore, Ongaku, Sukoshi, or the village itself, and some names.
Warning: Fem! Itachi, Fem! Gaara, Male! Sukoshi, Cursing, Naruto bashing, Ryu Hayabusa like Kakashi, Sakura bashing, and Sasuke bashing!
By: The Shadow Chaos Group
(3rd P.O.V)
"Sensei, where are we going?" a pink haired girl asked. "The village hidden in the music." a black haired male said. 'Welcome to the hidden village in the music!' two males (the picture) sang. "Why did you guys sing?" a blonde boy asked. "Cause we can." the one on the left said sticking his tongue childishly. "Plus this is the village hidden in the Music." the boy on the right added. "Who are you?" the childish boy asked. "I'm Goman'na Haisha. This is my team Naruto Namikaze, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha." Goman'na replied pointing to each member when saying the name. "Why are you here?" the more mature one asked. "We have a scroll for the Musickage." Naruto said. "Okay! Well I'm Sukoshi and this is my older brother Ongaku." the more mature one said pointing to his smaller older brother. "Follow us to the Kage Studio." Ongaku said. "You mean tower?" Sakura asked. "No, he means studio." Sukoshi said. As the group went through the village the Konoha ninjas was surprised that the villagers was just walking along with ninjas like it an everyday thing. 'It's only a nightmare and soon We'll be set free!' a female voice sang. Sukoshi smiled and walked toward the voice with the others following. They saw the most beautiful girl they (konoha ninjas) have ever seen. "Hey Suna." Sukoshi said. "Suko!" Suna said. "We're about to show these ninjas to the Kage Studio, wanna come?" Sukoshi asked. "Sure!" Suna replied walking towards the group. "Why do people sing so much?" Sakura asked Ongaku. "Everyone here loves music so we have vocal battles, challenges, festivals, and parties nearly everyday plus singing your favorite song is fun!" Ongaku explained. "What is a song?" Sasuke asked giving the Music ninjas a near heart attack. "What is a song? WHAT IS A SONG?" Ongaku shouted breathing heavily. "A song is music that express your soul or emotions." Sukoshi explained with Suna nodding along. "Oh." Sasuke said. 'The show must go on, the show must go on~!" Sukoshi started singing lyrics. "Hey Sukoshi sing your song!" Suna asked. "Hm? Sure!" Sukoshi agreed. "HEY! Everyone remember me! I'll be singing 'The Show must go on'!" Sukoshi shouted. A crowd immediately went to the stage and Sukoshi started to sing (link). At the guitar solo Sukoshi started playing the guitar with one hand! "Thank You!" Sukoshi said to the comments. Then some weird girl came up asking for a second chance. Sukoshi started singing again (link). A few moments later the group passed a large compound. "What's that?" Naruto asked. "Ah! That's the Hayabusa and Kamikaze compound right, Sukoshi?" Ongaku said. "Yeah, see there's Yuki Kamikaze(1) and Hitomi Hayabusa(2)." Sukoshi agreed. "Oh and there's the Studio!" Suna said. "That's the studio!" Naruto shouted. "Come on, we'll take you to the office." Ongaku said. When they got to the office a silver haired male(3) walked out. "Ryu!" Sukoshi and Ongaku shouted. The male nodded towards the boys. The group walked inside the studio the Konoha ninjas was surprised. "Dad! Konoha ninjas!" Sukoshi said before Ongaku had the chance making Ongaku hit him on the chest making some random music play. Two boys then busted in fighting only stopping to introducing themselves. "I'm Kai Hayabusa." Kai(4) said. "I'm Kore Kamikaze." Kore(5) said. "Hello." the Konoha ninjas chimed. "Now Sukoshi what do they need." the Musickage turned around making the ninja gasp. "Menma?" Naruto said. "Ah, Naruto! How are you?" Menma asked. "Dad you know these weirdos?" Ongaku asked with Sukoshi making a sound of agreement. "Yes, this used to be your Uncle but I broke ties to him and the Namikazes." Menma said. "I just remembered we didn't tell them our full name!" Sukoshi said. "Well, I'm Ongaku Ai Uzumaki and this is my little brother Sukoshi Shi Uzumaki." Ongaku said to the shocked Konoha ninjas. "You're Uzumakis?" Naruto shouted. Just then a red-haired female and blonde male came in. "Menma, it's time for dinner." the female said. "Hey Dad, can Suna stay too?" Sukoshi asked. "Hey can I bring Itsuko?" Ongaku asked. Menma nodded to both boys requests. "Who are these people?" Sasuke asked after both boys left. "This is Minato and Kushina Uzumaki, my parents!" Menma said once again shocking the konoha ninjas. "Y-your parents!" Naruto shouted. Menma made a sound of agreement. "Yes, my parents," Menma agreed, "We'll deal with why you're here later for now, dinner!" A few minutes later Ongaku returned with a raven-haired girl. "Are they staying for dinner?" Ongaku asked. "It depends on mom." Menma said. "It's fine, I over cooked again." Kushina said. ~Time Skip~ "Hey Suna, what was that song you were singing before?" Sakura asked. "It's called Nightmare." Suna said. "Could you sing it?" Naruto asked. "Sure." Suna agreed and start singing using musine to change her voice (link). "H-how did you change your voice?" Naruto shouted. "Musine is everything that helps make music, it can also change our voice, and make music play." Sukoshi answered. The group heard music playing and followed seeing Ongaku and Itsuko. Ongaku started singing(link). "So, why are you here?" Menma asked. "We were told to give you this scroll." Naruto said. Menma took the scroll and looked it over. "An alliance? No thanks." Menma said giving the scroll back.
Hitomi (2)

Kai (right) Kore (left) (4&5)

Ryu(Kakashi) (3)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The life of a Yanderes' obsession

The life of a Yanderes' Obsession
by The ShadowChaosGroup
Hakumei Sora(boy): We don't own any elements that are owned by any one else. 
LightPeaceGoddess:waring lots of Yandere action, reverse harem of Yanderes on a poor shy obsession, and Yaoi. If you don't know what yaoi or a Yandere is look it up before reading.
Akuma Yoru(boy): Don't like then Don't read Baka.
ShadowChaosGoddess: Thanks!
 Hi, my name is Ann. I'm thirteen years old and I went to Yandere Obsession Middle School. I have fair skin and black hair that fade into white that ends at my shoulders. My hair usually covers my eyes but if you see them you would see that the change colors to even those that are impossible. I'm usually bullied because of them(her eyes). I usually wear a long sleeve blue shirt that covers my hands, a pair of blue jeans, blue sneakers, and a blue hat. Today is my first day at the school where Yanderes and Yandere Obsession mix. *bump* "O-oh S-sorry!" I stuttered when I bumped into someone. "Watch where your going!" she said.  I looked up